dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011

The letter

5 Elm Street
St Pere Pescador
11th April 2011.

Dear Freddy,

Thank you for your letter. You want to come here for your holidays, don't you? It's fantastic ! I'll explain you the things you can do here:
First of all, we are near the sea. You can go to the beach every day if you want. It's fabolous in Summer. And you can practise a lot of water sports like windsurfing kite-surfing, surfing etc.
If you like trekking you can go to the mountains of Roses or take one of many nice treks paths for walking.
The food in Alt Emporda is good, there are a lot of good restaurants including the best in the world, 'El bulli'.
And the acommodation isn't a problem, there are a lot of campings in the beach, but, if you want, you can stay in a hotel in towns like St Pere.
I think you'll have a good time if you come here.
Well, let me know if you 're finally coming here or not.
See you soon.

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