diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

Oral Presentation

History of the racism.

The racism comes of a lot of time ago. It cames of the past when one town hypsometri another and the people of the second town began slaves of the other. The winner town and its people believed better than the other people .

More later, at the XIX century with the American and the African conquest, the native people becamed slaved and they’re were using for commercial causes and from here the black, Indian , the red people etc has been sub valorated.

After the slaved , there were different types of racism like the nazis to judian people,or the racism in the colonies of Africa or the racism in organizations lik Ku-klux –klan in USA.

Luckily, the racism every time has been minor since no, the actually where there are a racismyet but more less than some years ago.


The main consequences of racism are :

The torture and the bad treatments of minorities of people who are frome another country or who look diferrent of the rest.

The main form of bad treatment are racism insults but there are people who have been torturated, or have been abused physically or have been arrested for racist police unfairly.

This also implies a lot of fights between different ethnic groups where peple die sometimes.

Actually the racism it’s defended by the law, and if you’have been a victim off racist abuses you can reported this.

Other cansequence is the phsicollogic damages, and the immigrant people will suffer in a racist society.

The thing that happens is that this people leave out of their poor countries to go to a country where they will have more opportunities for live and in this places they ‘re marginalized and viewed with despraized.

This form of racism appeared a lot with young people in schools for example where the people who are a different colour skin haven’t friens and they are alone and normally it makes different groups in a same place.


In the actuality the racism is very linked to the xenophobia, the disgust to the people who are from other country.

Now exist diferents groups nea-nazis, who are expanding in Europe. In Spain were a group, the international Third Position , tha buy a Spanish town- los perdiches- in 1997. They-re rebuilding the town for expand theyr territory.

The racism , normally is because the persons hadn’t a good education when they were young or they have mental problem.

But parto of this, in the majority important places in Europe, America, or in desenvolupated countries, there are a lot of diversity of people and not much racism.


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