dijous, 3 de març del 2011

The white week

The white week is a vacation week which we don't have to go to school. This week have a good and a bad things. The bad things are that is a holiday week that we have taken the summer. In the summer we don't have nothing for homework and this week we have to study a lot for the final exams and we have to do a lot of things for homework. The good thins are that you can repose and meet with friends, go to the cinema etc. In this white week I wanted go run the first days but i can't because has been a lot of windy. Normally a go run for the beach and if it has windy the sand gets up and hits you. The last days of this week there are carnival. Friday we are going to go to the Rose's carnival and Saturday to St Pere Pescador's carnival. We are going to go dressed as boxers. The boxer costume is a little ridiculous. I don't going to go dressed with this costume, it was very expensive and I didn't buy it. I'm going to go dress with a homemade costume with a boxer gloves that a friend gave me.

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