dissabte, 11 de juny del 2011

Final Reflection

- I supose that I'm better now than one year ago. But not much, a bitt more. In the phrasal verbs for example, before I don't know many.

-The exams I think.

-The exams too, because when I study I learn more and after, I remember I've studied.

-The english blog, because if you want you can use the traductor or you can tell things with the vocabulary and words that you know and don't learn anything new.

-I like to go to the 'aula de idiomes' in the high school. But I don't like that the computers because haven't a good internet connection and you can't do anything. We lose a lot of time for that and if the computers work better we can do a lot of work for the blog for example.

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

The army

I think the army in a copuntry is the most important thing.
For beggining, having an army is to have protection in case of war, a war without an army be fatal for a country. The army also handles cases of terrorism and there are special forces of the army. Another vulnerable site would be maritime and air space. The army is responsible for the pirates at sea. On the other hand, the navy and the army employ many people, and now that is important with the crisis. I think the army is an essential piece for a country, it's also a national symbol. Soldiers are people our lives depend on one day. And they are people who may become heroes one day.
In the last place, I think the army is a very important part of a country, many countries throughout history have been known for their good armies, for that and because my cousin is a soldier and he explains many things, I really like the armies and admire them very much.



Oral Presentation

History of the racism.

The racism comes of a lot of time ago. It cames of the past when one town hypsometri another and the people of the second town began slaves of the other. The winner town and its people believed better than the other people .

More later, at the XIX century with the American and the African conquest, the native people becamed slaved and they’re were using for commercial causes and from here the black, Indian , the red people etc has been sub valorated.

After the slaved , there were different types of racism like the nazis to judian people,or the racism in the colonies of Africa or the racism in organizations lik Ku-klux –klan in USA.

Luckily, the racism every time has been minor since no, the actually where there are a racismyet but more less than some years ago.


The main consequences of racism are :

The torture and the bad treatments of minorities of people who are frome another country or who look diferrent of the rest.

The main form of bad treatment are racism insults but there are people who have been torturated, or have been abused physically or have been arrested for racist police unfairly.

This also implies a lot of fights between different ethnic groups where peple die sometimes.

Actually the racism it’s defended by the law, and if you’have been a victim off racist abuses you can reported this.

Other cansequence is the phsicollogic damages, and the immigrant people will suffer in a racist society.

The thing that happens is that this people leave out of their poor countries to go to a country where they will have more opportunities for live and in this places they ‘re marginalized and viewed with despraized.

This form of racism appeared a lot with young people in schools for example where the people who are a different colour skin haven’t friens and they are alone and normally it makes different groups in a same place.


In the actuality the racism is very linked to the xenophobia, the disgust to the people who are from other country.

Now exist diferents groups nea-nazis, who are expanding in Europe. In Spain were a group, the international Third Position , tha buy a Spanish town- los perdiches- in 1997. They-re rebuilding the town for expand theyr territory.

The racism , normally is because the persons hadn’t a good education when they were young or they have mental problem.

But parto of this, in the majority important places in Europe, America, or in desenvolupated countries, there are a lot of diversity of people and not much racism.


Harrison Ford’s rant at film special effects

The Raiders of the Lost Ark and Star Wars star said the computer generated flicks look more like video games.

In a dig at films like Transformers and Avatar, Ford, 68, said: "I think what a lot of action movies lose these days, especially ones with fantasy, is you stop caring at some point because you've lost human scale."

Ironically, his latest movie Cowboys and Aliens with Daniel Craig relies on CGI.

Cossie you are worth it

This summer's beach fashion is all about understated style. So ditch the accessories and let the swimwear do the talking.

Make a splash in luxurious-looking designs in chic neutral shades and subtle prints. Plunging necklines, unusual strap detail and corset bikini tops make High Street styles look every inch designer.

Top marks to Tesco for their chic metallic two-piece (see slideshow) - pure gold at just £12.

Mourinho takes UEFA to court

Jose Mourinho will take UEFA to the Court of Arbitration for Sport to get his five-match ban lifted.UEFA banned the Real Madrid chief for his rant after his side lost the first leg of their Champions League semi with Barcelona in April.

Mourinho has accused UEFA of fixing refs to favour Barcelona.

Mourinho has also insisted that both Karim Benzema and Gonzalo Higuain will remain at the Spanish club despite transfer speculation.The Portuguese coach said he expects the strikers to help the team build 'a new era in European football'.

The things I like more.

Animals: The octopus is my favourite animal.
Plants: I don't like plants.
Food: When I'm hungry I like all.
Film: Origen.
Place: Madrid is my favourite city but I like the beach too.
Football player: Cristiano Ronaldo.
Tennis Player: Rafa Nadal.
Subject: English XD.
Football Team: Real Madrid.
Favorite Sport: Football.
My favorite book: I don't like read, but my favorite book is 'La sombra del viento'
My favorite colour: I don't know.
My horoscop: 'Libra'
My favourite weather: Sunny.
My favorite station of the year: Summer.


Copter is a video game that I play since a couple of weeks. I played for first time because Mireia, a friend, was playing and say me: Hey, play this video game, you can't score more than me. And I played and score more points than her. Since this time , I have been playing for overcome my record but is very dificult and I can't. Now, my record is 2735.

My room attendant

I have a pet, and he lives in my room . His name is Lagarto and he is a lizard, a Poggona vitticeps. He isn't very big as an iguana, he is 20 -25 cm long aproximately and he weighs less than 1 kilo.
He is 7 or 8 years old. My father gave it to me when I was 9 years old. I don't know exactely his colour because I'm 'daltonic' but I think that is brown and sometimes orange or yellow because he can change his skin colour. I feed him with insects that I buy In the animal's shops. I buy a type of cans, like tuna cans but with insects inside. Sometimes I bring him out, in the garden. He likes run and take the sun. My pet is like this:

Conversation with Aleix

Guille dice:
AlEiix dice:
*hi guillermo!
Guille dice:
*How are you?
AlEiix dice:
*I'm fine thanks, and you?
Guille dice:
*Mee too
*Have you studied for this week?
AlEiix dice:
*not yet
*I've started studying catalan but not much
*and you?
Guille dice:
*Yes of course, we have a lot of exams, I 've studied maths and a little bit of Catalan
AlEiix dice:
*I should do the same..
Guille dice:
*I want finish the course
AlEiix dice:
*me too!
*this ending is becoming an etern story, I just want to finish it
Guille dice:
*haha it's true, but a i think I will have to do the Chemists recuperation the next week.. But I hope that it will be the only thing..
AlEiix dice:
*bah, don't think so!
*You have to thing that you'll pass chemists
Guille dice:
*XD okay, and you will have to recupere any subject?
AlEiix dice:
*I don't know, probably philosophy and chemists, so I hope that I don't fail any subject
Guille dice:
*well, so, good luck Aleix for your subjects
*Now I'm going tu study a bit more of catalan
*See you tomorrow!
AlEiix dice:
*see u!

Clara's Birthay

Clara's, a friend who go with me in class, invited all friends at her house for her birthay. It was very funny. We could slept in her house because her mother was out. We were twenty in the party aproximately. At the beggining everyone was calm but later every one beggan to encouraged and was a madness. We broke one chair and one bench of the Clara's terrace. When its happened, Clara got ungry and we comportated better. Manel and I fixes de bench . We cleaned all and we went to Som X for past the rest of the night. After Som X we returned to Clara's house for sleep. The next morning we had breakfast together in the house and we cleaned all. The presents for Clara were a lot of things but we preparated everything like a treasure hunt. We past a good night , it was amazing.

dimarts, 24 de maig del 2011

My best friend.


Emma is one of my best friends. She isn’t too tall , and she’s so thin. She has a blond curly hair, a bit long. She has freckles on her face , and she has a very nice green eyes.

I met Emma for first time in 1rst of ESO because she was friend of Ainara, who was in my class and was my friend too. In 2nd of ESO we went together in the class, but we weren’t very friends yet.

Finally in this course, we are together again in the class, and we have done very friends.

Very often we discuse because we have characters very similars but lately we get better.

Emma is a very good person, and is very clever and worker. She study hard and past the exams with good marks.

She has a big heart and she’s so beautyfull and is a good friend.

dimarts, 3 de maig del 2011

American History X

The last film I've seen has been American History X. The history is about a boy who is living who his brother because his father died. He lives in a nazi's family in a town of EEUU. One day, at night, three black boys try to stole the brother's car. He see the stoler and go ut his house with a gun and kill the three boys. Later, the police arrive and put him on the prison. In the prison, the brother meet a black boy, and they be friends. When he's free , and come home, he try to convice his friends and his brother that is better don't be nazi, and respect the others but anybody believe him and get ungry with him. The only who is agree is his brother. At the end, a black boy of the high school kill the young brother in the toilets of the high school. Is a very hard film but is very good too and I recommend it. I like so much.

dimarts, 26 d’abril del 2011

The letter

5 Elm Street
St Pere Pescador
11th April 2011.

Dear Freddy,

Thank you for your letter. You want to come here for your holidays, don't you? It's fantastic ! I'll explain you the things you can do here:
First of all, we are near the sea. You can go to the beach every day if you want. It's fabolous in Summer. And you can practise a lot of water sports like windsurfing kite-surfing, surfing etc.
If you like trekking you can go to the mountains of Roses or take one of many nice treks paths for walking.
The food in Alt Emporda is good, there are a lot of good restaurants including the best in the world, 'El bulli'.
And the acommodation isn't a problem, there are a lot of campings in the beach, but, if you want, you can stay in a hotel in towns like St Pere.
I think you'll have a good time if you come here.
Well, let me know if you 're finally coming here or not.
See you soon.

dilluns, 7 de març del 2011

Pablo Vithews

Pablo is my best friend from Barcelona. He isn'ttall but he isn't short either. He is brown eyed and he's got short brown hair. He is very attractive and for this he has a lot of girls behind him. The bad thing about him is that he has brackets but he'll stop wearing them.

Pablo seems a bad person whenyou first meet him but on the inside he's a good and very funny person. He lived in Barcelon until two years ago, when he came to Empuriabrava to live.
He has made lot of friends in the last two years, me included.
Pablo likes playing basketball but he is a bit bad because he is lazy.
He likes playing videogames and going out with friends.

Definelety he's a good friend, the best I have from Barcelona, the only bad thing is that he is of Barça F.C and a little 'flipated' but I like being with him.

The letter

The high school director.

I.E.S Castelló d'Empuries

Dear Lluisa

I am writing to tell you about the I.E.S Castelló d’Empuries.

First of all I have to say that me and the majority of my friends fell fine here.

The things I like of the high school are the computers, the search lights in the class, the timetable and some teachers.

In general we have a good high school but there are some things that could be better like the building, that is very grey and sad. The canteen that is so bad. It could be better and the food could be better to. And finally, the toilets. The toilets are very dirty and could be bigger, with mirrors and beautifull.

This is all.

Yours faithfully.


dijous, 3 de març del 2011

Found in a forest in Poland a frozen alligator

A group of hikers found when walking through a frozen forestreptile, five feet long and weighing 20 kilos, I could have diedof natural causes. What nobody can answer is that thecrocodile was in that place in Poland.

UK withdraws from the sale of breast milk ice cream

The City of London has recalled milk ice cream. This originaland controversial dessert, called 'Baby Gaga', released inFebruary.

The Food Standards Agency received numerous complaints.They feared that

the "treat" may transmit disease.Weremade from breast milk donated

by volunteer mothers.The owner of the company that marketed

insists that the product was subjected to "the same health checks that applyto blood donors. "

Guardiola suffered a herniated disc and will remain entered.

FC Barcelona coach, Josep Guardiola, suffered a herniateddisc that Oblitas to stay in the hospital entered USP InstitutUniversitari Dexeus in Barcelona to evolve favorably.
The Santpedor continue drug treatment and epidural anddevelopments mark his discharge, so that, at least for now,avoid the operating room. However, its presence in the game this Saturday against Zaragoza and next Tuesday against Arsenal is unknown.

127 hours

The story is about a boy named Aron. In 2003 he was climbing in a remote spot in Utah when his right forearm was pinned under a huge block of stone. He was there for almost five days. Until I realized that the place where it was not rescued, he decided to cut his right forearm with a small knife. Then he wrapped his wound and climbed a hill to find a family that was on tour. After that, he was rescued by a helicopter.


The other day we went to the UAB university with the school. This university is in Barcelona and we went with a bus. We went because was an open day and there was talks about the different carees. The true is that I didn't like so much this university. I went to the publicity talks with some friends because in this university there aren't the career that I want to do: CAFE, that is physicall education. We stay all the day in the university and we had lunch in there. The things I liked of the university were the library, the dining and the gardens. There are a lot of green zones with a very tall trees. But the thing I like more of the excursion was the travel with bus. In the bus I sat down with Pablo and we have been playing with the gameboys all the time. Pablo is a very cheat person because when I was winning he desconnected the game boy and we can't finish the play and we have to start other play. We were eating sweets and listening music too. It was very funny.

The white week

The white week is a vacation week which we don't have to go to school. This week have a good and a bad things. The bad things are that is a holiday week that we have taken the summer. In the summer we don't have nothing for homework and this week we have to study a lot for the final exams and we have to do a lot of things for homework. The good thins are that you can repose and meet with friends, go to the cinema etc. In this white week I wanted go run the first days but i can't because has been a lot of windy. Normally a go run for the beach and if it has windy the sand gets up and hits you. The last days of this week there are carnival. Friday we are going to go to the Rose's carnival and Saturday to St Pere Pescador's carnival. We are going to go dressed as boxers. The boxer costume is a little ridiculous. I don't going to go dressed with this costume, it was very expensive and I didn't buy it. I'm going to go dress with a homemade costume with a boxer gloves that a friend gave me.

C.E.I.P Llagut

C.E.I.P Llagut is the school I went when I was young. The school is in St Pere Pescador. It isn't a very big school, it has between 100 or 200 pupils aproximatelly but when I was in the school it had less. One course, in 3 of primary we were only three persons in the class but in and in 4 too, but in 5 and 6 came more people and we were fourteen. The sixth course of primary was the best in the school. It was very funny, this year we went to France and to Port Aventura with the school. It was the first time I went to Port Aventura and I really enjoyed. In France we went for an interchange with French boys of one town, Montastruc. We went two days to their house and they came two days to our house. It was very funny and we did new friends.
Our teachers were Pilar and Agnes. They are very good teachers and very funny too. Agnes brought us an aquarium with fishes but after christmas all fish died. My best friend this year was Joan Borras. He was new because he came from Olot. Now he is in Olot another time. The only peple in the class who is with me in the high school now are Varela, Selles and Paula. The other people went to live elsewhere or repeat course.

dimecres, 2 de març del 2011

Pixones and company

The has been a football tournement in Castello and I've gone with friends to do a team. The team has been Soab, Guillem Mancilla, Guillem Montero, Cesar, and me. We have called the Pitxones and company FC. We haven't won the tournement but we have arrived at the Final. At the beggining we have to play versus the team of our friends Aleix, Oliver, Manel, Pablo... and Nuria and Sandra. I scored one goal and we have wonn 1-0. In the next match we have to play versus people we didn't know, Cesar scored one goal and we have won 1-0. The next match has been versus some boys who played in Figueras FC and we have been 0-0. And the last match before the final has been versus the team of the 2nd of batxillerat people. Soab scored one goal and we have been 1-0. The football matches dured only five minutes , the ball was very bad and there wasn't arbitrators . In the final we have to play versus the team of people of St Pere Pescador. We start wining 2-0. Cesar and I scored the goals. After they scored one goal and when we were 2-1 Guillem Montero hurt himself and we have to play with one player less. Finally when left one minute to finish and win, a player of the other team did me a fault but they didn't stop to play and scored other goal. Finally we do 2 penalties each team. I scored one but Soap didn't scored the penalty and we lost the final.


Quim is one of my best friends. He lives in Castello d'Empuries. He has born in 1994 like me but he was born on November. He is doing 1 of Batxiller like me but he goes in the class B. Quim is a boy who has brown smooth hair. He has large hair like a Beattle. I like more him with short hair but he never want cut it short. He has brown eyes and he wear glasses or lenses. He is tall, a little less than me, and he is very weakness but I don't understand why because he eats a lot.

Quim is a very good and funny person. I laught a lot with him. Sometimes he is like a young boy and does a lot of silly things and it is very funny. We are friends since 4 years ago and he is like a brother for me. I tell him a lot of things and he too. The thing he likes more is go out to the disco and smoke. When he is in a party he doesn't tired in all the night. I like go to parties with he.

Quim sometimes is a little weighty but is a good boy and I laught a lot with him. He 's very nice person.

Simon and Costa's birthay

The last Saturday we celebrated the Simon, and the Costa's birthay and was the first time I went to Chic, a disco which is in Roses. The birthay consisted in have dinner in Bahía de Oro , a Chinese restaurant in Empuriabrava and later go to Chic. In the dinner, we gave theire presents. The presents were clothes, a jersey and a T.shirt for Simon and a T-shirt , a belt and a underpants for Guillem Costa. After dinner, it was very early yet to go to the disco and we went to the Saloon pub. In the Saloon we played to foosball and watched the football match, Real Madrid vs Deportivo de la Coruña. The football match ended 0-0 and every body less me and Oliver Pino were happy because they are of the FC Barcelona team. It was very unfair because the Real Madrid shoot at the thestick 2 times and the Depor didn't shouted any time at the Real Madrid porter.
Well, apart from that, after the football match we went to Chic. The Guillem Monter's father led us to the disco. I've never been in Chic. The entrance costed ten euros and they gave you a free drink. At the beggining I like a lot Chic but later It got tired me because there was a lot of people and it was a bit stressful. Finally I got to sleep in Simon's house.

Oral presentation II

Hello every body I’m guillermo and he ‘s simon and we are going to show you our presentation about england.

We like England and we have choosen for the presentation because is a interesting country where have a lo t of interesting things for explain .

We have choosen also because we have seen a lot of films, agood films which the history past in England like Hooligans or the damned united

An other reason is that in england has invented our favourite sport, football and we want tolk about this too.


Well, England is a country which have part in the Europe union. It’s located to the left of the map.

The capital of England is London.

The money that they used is the pound esterlin.

And the official language is the English.


Normally, the weather in England is very inestable, the majority of the days they have a clody sky, and rains but they have a lot of sun days too.

British winters are usually cold wet and sometimes snows.

Summers are humid and not too hot

The foggy is tipical in England too, especially in London.

(simon intro food)

The England food has had a lot of different influences of other cultures and the result has been different species in the English food like Indian curry, Chinese fried food or American species.

(simon breakfast)

The time of Lunch in England is between twelve o’clock and a half past one, the principals and the traditional English food are:

Meet and vegetable pies, rost beef , Yorkshire pudding Mussels vinegary, eel pie, and lamb with mint sauce .

(simon dinner)

The typical drink in England is the All beer, it’s a type of a beer, and cider in the good pubs .

And the most typical drink of England, the tea. It’s very important the hour of tea, that is between a half past five and a half past six in the afternoon. The most typical tea in England is the Earl Grey tea.


Well , now we’re goingo to talk about the England esports.

The most important are cirket, and football,

And tenis and Rugby.

Well, cricket has invented in England in 1646. After cricket, people played , throwing rocks and other danger objects. Now, it plays with a ball made by leather. It plays in the afternoons, and sometimes dure some days, and it similar than beisball, one team have to hit the ball and score more points than the other.

(simon football )intenta enrollarte mol, explikar inglaterra als mundials ….

Tennis was’nt invented in England but is one of the most important sports of the country. In England are the oldest tennis tournemnt in the world, Wimblendon. Is the most important tennis tournament too.

England also has important tennis players like Andy murray that is fiveth in the rankling ATP.

(Simon rugby)

(simon curiosities )

(simon history/lu atre)