dissabte, 27 de novembre del 2010

Oral Presentation

divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010



The prince Gohan and the witch Faluga

Once upon a time there was a Queen, Johana, who had a son, Prince Gohan. Prince Gohan was a special boy, he had a mistic powers. One day, the day before his seextenth birthay, the wicked witch Faluga put him under a spell: the prince couldn't use his powers and he should remain enclosed in the Terror Palace and only he would recover his powers with a true love kiss.
Queen Johana was very sad. She had sent a lot of girls tu the Terror Palace to save her son and give him back his powers but no girl had returned. Mean while, prince Goahan was also veru preocupied because any body went to save him. One day he was looking through the window when he saw a beautiful girl coming to the palace on a white horse. Te wicked witch Faluga stopped her. The girl , who had the same mistic powers that the prince, fought with Faluga and she killed her. The girl saved the prince. She was Natascha, the princess of another country behind the mountains. She had heard that prince Gohan were inprisonedand she went to save him.
In tthe end, Gohan and Natascha fell in love and when they returned to the palace they got married. Prince Gohan got his mistic powers back and they lived happily ever after.

Three News.

WAYNE ROONEY is set to make his comeback for Manchester United against Wigan tomorrow.
Rooney , after a month without playing by his unkle injury, come into the squad for the match in Old Trafford versus Wigan. He was in EEUU doing a recovery plan and now he returned but the trainer don't think that he can play yet. Probably he will be ready to play wednesday versus the Rangers in the champions league but no versus wigan yet. Ferguson, the trainer of the Manchester United also has doubts with Ryan Giggs y Rafael Unidos , and how to overcome the firsts of the league, the Chelsea.

A FORMER lover of Claude Makelele has revealed a photo of injuries she said were inflicted in a bust-up with the soccer star.

A friend of Thandi Ojeer says that she was clashet with ex-Chelsea star Makelele after going to his Paris home to reclaim possessions. Thandi is waiting to see if Makelele will be prosecuted by police for assault and retention of her possessions. If not, she plans to sue him.The ex-French international told cops he had not wanted her on his property.
A police insider said at the time: "She alleges serious assault. He alleges assault and trespass."
Makelele at the moment he will not be defendant.

Acid rain

Acid rain is defined as any type of precipitation with a pH that is unusually low. Dissolved carbon dioxide dissociates to form weak carbonic acid giving a pH of approximately 5.6 at typical atmospheric concentrations of CO2. There is a strong relationship between lower pH values and the loss of populations of fish in lakes. Below 4.5 virtually no fish survive, whereas levels of 6 or higher promote healthy populations.

I robot

I robot is a film that I ike so much. The story goes in the 2035 in Chicago where there are a lots of robots who stay with the humans and work for them. The protagonist is a boy(will smith), a police who doesn't like the robots. In chicago a important industry make a very intelligent and modern robots and there are the murder of the scientist who invented the robots. Everybody thinks that the robots are perfect and never will hurt the humans except the protagonist who thinks that the murdered did a robot, and so is. Meantime, the most ielligent robot, vicky are making a revolution versus the humans and the protagonist tries to avoid. Finally he can destroid vicky and all the robots are destroying for ever.
Definelety, I robot is a good film of science fiction and I recommend you see it.

The oral presentation.

Hello everyone. Now I'll show my presentation about Cristiano Ronaldo. I have choosen Ronaldo for the presentation because I like so much and I know that you like to. Well, Cristiano ronaldo is a boy who has born the 5 of February on 1985 in Madeira in Portugal. Now he is 25 years old.

At the beggining, with 10 years old, Cristiano played in a modest club of Madeira but this same year the Sporting of Lisboa noticed him and signed him.

Later , with 16 years, he was better than more players of the first team of Sporting and the trainer decided up him.

Cristiano was very young but he was very good to, and on 2003 manchester united signed him.

In manchester united he demonstrated to the world how good he was. He won with Manchester a lot of titles, individual and colective like: the premier league, the champions league, the fifa world player or the gold ball. A lot of clubs wanted to signed him but finally, the last year, he signed for the best team of the world : Real Madrid.

The debut of Cristiano with portugal was on 2003. Now he have been a lot of times international with portugal and is the capitain of the team.

I like cristiano because he is a diferent football player. He have an own style that any other player has. He has a lot of qualities:

One is the speed: he is very very fast, he can runs more than 30 km /h, more than other players.

He is very tall, he is 1,85 metres and he can jump a lot for top with head.

He is very stronger, after the trainings he always do one or two hours more of excercice in his house.

He can do a lot of abilities with the ball.

He can shoot the ball very hard, morethan 100km/h and is a very good free kicks shouter.

He has a prticular form to shoot a free kick.

And he has a winner mentally.

Cristiano lives in madrid with his girl friend and his soon. Cristiano is a very mediatic player who do a lot of Television announcements and photos for marks.

Ronaldo is very original with his boots. The lasts are this.

To finish , I will say that cristiano is the best player of the world better than messi and that this year he will win all with the Real Madrid, I put a video for you see that Cristiano is the best player.

The E-mail

Hi! My name is Guille and I live in Sant Peter Fisher-man. My favourite sport is football , I play in the St Peter's team. My favourite football team is the Real Madrid and my favourite football player is Cristiano Ronaldo but I like others football teams which Atletico de Madrid or Manchester United. This summer has been so boring for me and for this I wanted start the course. I have doing a particular lessons of English since I'm eleven in my town with some friends of the High School . I have choosen the 'bachillerat' of cience because I want to do Physicall Education in the University and I need do this 'bachillerat'. For this year I hope past the course without many complications and with a good mark if it's possible.

Good Bye.

My summer holidays.

My favorite station of the year is the summer. I love the summer holidays. Every year, in summer I go the firsts 15 days on holidays with my family to a place of Spain. This year I went to a Town of Almeria, Vera. I went here this year because the last year I went to and I made a lot of friends but I don't know if I will go the next summer to. To Almeria I went with my cousins and uncles and my fathers. I past a good time in Vera. Vera is a very nice town near the beach. In Vera I was in a house that has a tennis court, football court and a swimming pool, the beach was very near the house . After went to Almeria I stayed some days hear, in St Pere. When I stayed in my house, I met with my friends and we went to the beach or to play football and we went to the summer partys at night. After this some days , I went with my cousins to Benicassim. Benicassim, is a town of Valencia. It stay near the beach and when I go here the majority of the time I stay in the beach. In the beach I used to go fishing, sail with kayak or I do somersaults with a friend. After 15 days I came back to St Pere another time and I met friends. I stayed some days here and I went to play tennis or I went to the beach. In August I started the preseason with the St Pera F.C and we went running the training days. After I went to benicassim another time but with my cousin and my fathers. The truth is that this last summer I've bored a litle and I had wanted to start the course. I hope next summer is equal to or better that this.

My favorite team

My favorite team and the best team of the world in my opinion is the Real Madrid. I like this club and this team since I was very little , I dont' know why but I think it's because all my family lives in madrid and the majority likes the Real Madrid. Real Madrid is the best club of century XX and I think it will be the best of XXI to. The Real Madrid is the club won more Champions league, nine, and won more leagues, thirty one. In the Real Madrid played the best football players like Di Estefano, Butragueño, Hugo Sanchez, Zidane and now Kaka , Cristiano Ronaldo, Casillas etc.
The principal rival of the Real Madrid always has been the Barça f.c. The lasts years Barça has been better than the Real Madrid but this year the team is playing very good and I think this year Real Madrid can win Barça. In the Real Madrid is playing my favourite player that is Cristiano Ronaldo, and not long ago played my other favorite player, Zinedine Zidane, the goal who he scored in the final of the last champions league won the Real Madrid Is my favourite.
This year the Real Madrid has a very good team, he has a very good young players like Canales , Di maria, Higuain or Cristiano, he has a very good old players who Carvalho or Casillas and he has, in my opinion, the best trainer of the world, Jose Mourinho.
I have never gone to an official football match of Real Madrid but I went to a solidary match who play the Atletico the Madrid versus the Real Madrid. It was a very good esperience. Definelity, I think that The Real Madrit is the best team and this year can win some titles and I hope he do it.

dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010

My favourite music.

I like all the music in general except some types of music as heavy metal, types of rock and roll, punk or the music machine. I like the reggae, pop or house but the music I listen is the spanish rap.
I like the spanish rap becausethe letter is in my lenguage and I understand the songs. Rap (also known in English as emceeing) is a kind of rhythmic recitation Sprechgesang or rhymes, puns and poetry emerged in the mid-twentieth century the black community in the United States. Normally the Rap music talks about the problems of the society and it's a type of complaint to the problems of life, but also is a music that can talk about anything. The other type of rap that I like is the 'Batallas de gallos'. The 'batallas de gallos' is a competition where two mc's or rapers have one minute for improvising versus the other mc. This is very difficult becaus you have to think very quickly for non-white stay. In this minute you have to insulting your oponent for leave wrong. The winner is the mc who has benn ryhme better and has insulted more your contrincant.
My favourites groups of rap are : Tote king, violadores del verso, shotta, falsalarma, sfdk, chojin among others. My favorite is violadores del verso. They are three singers and one Dj and they're fantastic. Someday I would like go to a concert but now is so difficult because they're live in Zaragoza and they make concerts over there and it's so far.

dissabte, 13 de novembre del 2010

Break dance

The dance I like is break dance. Break dance is an urban dance that is part of Hip Hop culture emerged in the African American neighborhoods as New Yorkers Bronx and Brooklyn in 1970. In my opinionis the best type of dance that is. The first time I see this, was in madrid when I was very litle. Were some kids in the street dancing break and I was impressed because they did spectacular things on the floor I've never seen. Since this day I always have wanted learn this dance but anybody I known dance this. Mor later I met Soab and Haffit, two boys of my high school who can dance and sometimes I go with they for practice or I practice alone in my house seing videos of youtube when I have time. Learn break dance is very difficult and you need be very stronger, practice this is a bit dangerous to because you can do damage doing some moves but is very entertaining, funny and you do a lot of sport.
Now I don't know a lot, only the base of the dance but I want to continue practicing for be good in this and show the people I know.

The group of break dance I like is Jabbawockez. In my opinion is the best group of the world. They dance very good but the don't dance only break dance, they fusioned break with other kinds of dance. Jabbawockez are more original to, they dance with a mask and it's more incredible. The best of the group are the coreographys they do because has dance and acrobatics. They're fantastic.

Football (St Pere Pescador. F.C)

The last year I have played in the Esplais f.c. I was the capitain of the team and I scored 23 goals and we past a very fun year in the football, the best I 've never past.

This year I'm playing footbal with the St pere's f.c team. I play in this team because is very cheap, and is very near my house, and also this year there is a very good team.
We want win the league but is so difficult because this year the St Pere f.c have to play in the Baix Emporda league instead the Alte Emporda league like every year. The problem of this is that we don't know the Baix Emporda teams and we have to go very far for play the match. We play on the juvenils category. The bad of this team is that the majory of the players are 18 years old and go to the university and thay only can go to the Friday's training and the wednesday's training we are few people.
In the team we are 18 aproximately but we are never all.
In St Pere I play in the right side but I used to play center forward.This year i scored only two goals but I want scored more and I think I will can, but the most important is win the matches and trying to get as much as possible of the classification above.

divendres, 12 de novembre del 2010

My friend Pere

Pere is a boy, a inteligence boy who go with me in class. He have Brown short hair and he wear glasses. He was born in Castelló d’Empuries the 19 of December on 1994 and we go together in the IES Castelló d'Empuries high school.Pere is doing the cientific bachillerat because he want to physical in the university and he want be physic when he will be older. Pere is a good pupil in all of subjects and he has a good English pronunciation.

He used to play tennis but now doesn't play because he has a tendinitis on the right arm. Before, Pere played footbal in the Esplais F.C team with me but he decided to retired of the football world and he started to play tennis.

Pere's hobbies are play computer games like world of war craft or call of duty. He is really good beacuse he play a lot of time.

Definitely, Pere is a good friend and a good person and I recommend you to meet him.