divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

The oral presentation.

Hello everyone. Now I'll show my presentation about Cristiano Ronaldo. I have choosen Ronaldo for the presentation because I like so much and I know that you like to. Well, Cristiano ronaldo is a boy who has born the 5 of February on 1985 in Madeira in Portugal. Now he is 25 years old.

At the beggining, with 10 years old, Cristiano played in a modest club of Madeira but this same year the Sporting of Lisboa noticed him and signed him.

Later , with 16 years, he was better than more players of the first team of Sporting and the trainer decided up him.

Cristiano was very young but he was very good to, and on 2003 manchester united signed him.

In manchester united he demonstrated to the world how good he was. He won with Manchester a lot of titles, individual and colective like: the premier league, the champions league, the fifa world player or the gold ball. A lot of clubs wanted to signed him but finally, the last year, he signed for the best team of the world : Real Madrid.

The debut of Cristiano with portugal was on 2003. Now he have been a lot of times international with portugal and is the capitain of the team.

I like cristiano because he is a diferent football player. He have an own style that any other player has. He has a lot of qualities:

One is the speed: he is very very fast, he can runs more than 30 km /h, more than other players.

He is very tall, he is 1,85 metres and he can jump a lot for top with head.

He is very stronger, after the trainings he always do one or two hours more of excercice in his house.

He can do a lot of abilities with the ball.

He can shoot the ball very hard, morethan 100km/h and is a very good free kicks shouter.

He has a prticular form to shoot a free kick.

And he has a winner mentally.

Cristiano lives in madrid with his girl friend and his soon. Cristiano is a very mediatic player who do a lot of Television announcements and photos for marks.

Ronaldo is very original with his boots. The lasts are this.

To finish , I will say that cristiano is the best player of the world better than messi and that this year he will win all with the Real Madrid, I put a video for you see that Cristiano is the best player.

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