dimecres, 17 de novembre del 2010

My favourite music.

I like all the music in general except some types of music as heavy metal, types of rock and roll, punk or the music machine. I like the reggae, pop or house but the music I listen is the spanish rap.
I like the spanish rap becausethe letter is in my lenguage and I understand the songs. Rap (also known in English as emceeing) is a kind of rhythmic recitation Sprechgesang or rhymes, puns and poetry emerged in the mid-twentieth century the black community in the United States. Normally the Rap music talks about the problems of the society and it's a type of complaint to the problems of life, but also is a music that can talk about anything. The other type of rap that I like is the 'Batallas de gallos'. The 'batallas de gallos' is a competition where two mc's or rapers have one minute for improvising versus the other mc. This is very difficult becaus you have to think very quickly for non-white stay. In this minute you have to insulting your oponent for leave wrong. The winner is the mc who has benn ryhme better and has insulted more your contrincant.
My favourites groups of rap are : Tote king, violadores del verso, shotta, falsalarma, sfdk, chojin among others. My favorite is violadores del verso. They are three singers and one Dj and they're fantastic. Someday I would like go to a concert but now is so difficult because they're live in Zaragoza and they make concerts over there and it's so far.

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