divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

The prince Gohan and the witch Faluga

Once upon a time there was a Queen, Johana, who had a son, Prince Gohan. Prince Gohan was a special boy, he had a mistic powers. One day, the day before his seextenth birthay, the wicked witch Faluga put him under a spell: the prince couldn't use his powers and he should remain enclosed in the Terror Palace and only he would recover his powers with a true love kiss.
Queen Johana was very sad. She had sent a lot of girls tu the Terror Palace to save her son and give him back his powers but no girl had returned. Mean while, prince Goahan was also veru preocupied because any body went to save him. One day he was looking through the window when he saw a beautiful girl coming to the palace on a white horse. Te wicked witch Faluga stopped her. The girl , who had the same mistic powers that the prince, fought with Faluga and she killed her. The girl saved the prince. She was Natascha, the princess of another country behind the mountains. She had heard that prince Gohan were inprisonedand she went to save him.
In tthe end, Gohan and Natascha fell in love and when they returned to the palace they got married. Prince Gohan got his mistic powers back and they lived happily ever after.

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